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ISA Youth Basketball Inc. is committed to providing a high-quality basketball program that helps young players grow in all areas of their lives. Our mission is to provide an inclusive and supportive environment that fosters learning, teamwork, and personal development. We believe that by teaching the skills of basketball and the values of teamwork, we are helping to shape the next generation of leaders and champions.


Bronze Sponsorship Level
• Company name and logo included in all promotional materials [promotional materials
might include flyers, pamphlets, t-shirts, or other merchandise].
• Company included on “Partners Page” on ISA’s website for 1 year
• Social media shoutout every week during the season.


Silver Sponsorship Level
• Company name and logo included in all promotional materials [promotional materials
might include flyers, pamphlets, t-shirts, or other merchandise].
• Company included on “Partner’s Page” on ISA’s website for 2 years.
• Company logo included on our banner that’s set up at tournaments we host.
• 5 social media shoutouts every week during the season.
• ISA Commemorative Plaque to place in your office or store.


Gold Sponsorship Level
• Company name and logo included in all promotional materials [promotional materials
might include flyers, pamphlets, t-shirts, or other merchandise].
• Company included on “Partner’s Page” on ISA’s website for 3 years.
• Company logo included on our banner that’s set up at tournaments we host.
• 10 social media shoutouts and/or promotional advertisements every week during the
• ISA Commemorative Plaque to place in your office or store.


Uniform Sponsor
• All of the above perks, plus Company logo on game uniforms and warm-ups.

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